
Herbal Series: Saint John’s Wort

This is the beginning of my herbal nerd blogging! I am starting with herbs I have been playing around with in making formulations. Enjoy! Introduction One herb that has been used for centuries for its healing properties is Saint John’s Wort. While it is most known for its use in addressing mental health concerns, such…

Got Stress? Then read on!

For people with autoimmune conditions, however, stress wreaks havoc on the microbiome. That, in turn, can set off a flare-up. An autoimmune flare-up is always stressful and thus a nasty cycle is created. There is good news! This cycle can be slowed down or stopped. Before we get there, let us look a bit closer…

Why all the buzz on the probiotic bugs?

So, what are probiotics? They are live microorganisms that can have health benefits, in the broadest terms. While they are bacteria, they are the “good guys,” promoting the health and wellness of intestinal flora. How do they help with autoimmune conditions? They can help regulate the immune system. In lessening inflammation from the body, there…

What is the link between autoimmune disease and mental illness?

So what does the microbiome have to do with autoimmunity and mental health? Contrary to the original model that all neurotransmitters are made in the brain, many of the neurotransmitters that control emotions are created via the microbiome. Ninety percent of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates our sense of well-being and lowers anxiety, comes from…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Chrissy. I started studying nutrition in 2018 and am now an Integrative and Functional Nutritionist. My goal is for others to see how changing one’s diet can help them feel better!

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