Got Stress? Then read on!
For everyone, stress can wreak havoc on the microbiome. But for people with an autoimmune disease, this havoc can lead to an autoimmune flare. An autoimmune flare-up is always stressful, and thus, a nasty cycle is created.
There is good news! This cycle can be slowed down or stopped. Before we get there, let us look closer at what stress does to the microbiome.
What does stress do to our gut?
In one study that tested rats and their reactions to stress, some rats were exposed to stressful conditions for two hours, and the other rats were not. The number of good bacteria dropped for the rats exposed to stressful situations, and the bad bacteria escalated when measured after exposure to stress.
Since so much of our health revolves around our microbiome, we want more good than harmful bacteria. The fewer bad guys in your bloodstream, the less your inflammatory response.
The Good News
Regular use of probiotics appears to mitigate the stress response. Another study in Japan had medical students supplement their diet with probiotics. The researchers found that those who added probiotics to their diet were less stressed, slept better, and had normalized cortisol levels.
Adding probiotic-rich yogurt and fermented foods and drinks to your diet are good ways to take advantage of the many benefits of probiotics.
Refer to Blog #3 for more detailed information on probiotics and their usefulness...
More than a food issue
Now, to the nonfood part. If there was ever a time for self-care, now it is. Personally, I am doing lots of yoga and walking regularly. Doing something (anything!) is better than nothing because even a few minutes of a relaxing activity is beneficial.
Spending time outside in the fresh air as much as possible has well-documented health benefits, as do Epsom salt baths and regular prayer and meditation.
What is most important is that it is an activity that you enjoy and find calming. What are you doing to help yourself now?